Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas spirit!

I love the giving feeling this time of year. Which makes sense because I love giving and doing things for other people. Christmas just gives me an excuse to do it. Then I don't have to think up a logical reason I'm doing something for something other than I just want too.
So, tonight I was off on another one of my secret deliveries. And since it snowed all day today, I had to be extra sneaky. Besides the fact that snow loves to leave your tracks, everything was frozen so walking on the sidewalk and what not was like stomping on glass making it clear to practically everyone that I was around. But, I've had plenty of practice, so I just improvised the delivery and get away.
Now my secret delivery really wasn't a Christmas gift or anything. Just a little note for a friend that I felt like could use a little love. So with my little gift and note in hand, I set off to make my drop off. My friend's house is in the middle of the block and they have a very good view of the street both ways. So, I parked my car around the corner and made my way back to her home. And I'm pretty sure thanks to all the ice that plenty of people could probably hear me. Wising up a little, I started stepping in the piles of snow that people had made from shoveling they're walks that it muffled my steps somewhat. I just got really cold and wet instead, but I DIDN'T CARE. I was having too much fun!
I finally reached my destination and set down my gift. I took a deep breath, rang the door bell, and BOLTED off the front porch, around the side of the house, and waited... (I didn't want to make footprints in the snow that would give me away so I figured that I'd wait until they'd closed the door and retreated back into the house before making my way away from the house.) The porch light came on and the front door opened. My friend's little brother shouts back into the house, "Nobody is here! Hey, they left something!" I tried very hard not to laugh. Anyway, I hear him pick up the gift and take it into the house. Once the door is closed and I'm certain that they're not waiting to see me come out of hiding, I headed back to my car. I wasn't running too fast because I didn't want to slip and break my neck, but I didn't get caught. It was great! *Sigh* All in a days work.

1 comment:

Dixie said...

That is so fun & reminded me that I haven't sent my thank you to you yet. Our Christmas has been a little off-balance this year & everything is way behind schedule. But, I wanted you to know that I got your gift & I love it. Thank you for thinking about me!