Thursday, September 18, 2008

On the Job

So, my job isn't one that you would consider most girls having. About 98% of the workers are guys and then there are a couple of us girls. Drafters are guys and that's pretty much what people expect. But I'm good at it so they keep me around. Anyway, the other day I was down on the floor. (Where all the cabinets and fixtures get build and so forth. I work in the office upstairs normally.) I've worked at the mill for about a year and a half now, so it's not like I'm a new face.
Anyway, to get to the story, I was walking around, searching for a fixture which seemed to be eluding our shipping department, and I ran into one of the shipping workers. He's worked there for countless years and has seen me plenty of times. Well, this particularly day he decided to stop and talk to me. He wanted to know what my name was because he couldn't remember. Then he was like, "So are you married? Boyfriend?" And of course, I say no. Well, for some odd reason he doesn't believe me and wants to see my left hand. At which point I pull my hand out of my pocket. (I walk around with one hand in my pants pocket, odd habit I know.) Then he starts going on about how I walk around with my hand in my pocket to tease guys and mislead them. I was like whatever and was going to go on my merry way to find my cabinet. Well, he starts following me around and asking me all sorts of questions. Ones I wouldn't particularly like to answer when it comes to someone like him. Big, forty year old, Mexican guy, that drinks and swears too much, kind of guy. I got nothing against him, but I didn't really have any desire to become buddy chums with him. Well, when I told him I had to go, he stops me and was like, "Well, maybe we could go out sometime. Talk and stuff outside of work." RIGHT!!! No thank you, if you don't mind.
So, I can't get hit on by nice, cute guys, but old, creepy ones? That's so not cool. Sheesh, it would be nice, just once and a while to meet a nice guy that actually turns out to be a nice guy instead of one that puts on an act for a little while before showing his true colors. Maybe it's just me, but it certainly isn't any fun.

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Oh, come on. It is pretty funny, you have to admit! :)